Ben Allen G

Bitcoin Price - $0 - Sats per Dollar - 0 - Current Block Height - 1 - Estimated Difficulty Change - 0% - Retarget Height - 0 - Blocks to Retarget - 0 - Minimum Fee - 1 sats/vb - Fastest Fee - 1 sats/vb - Bitcoin Price - $0 - Sats per Dollar - 0 - Current Block Height - 1 - Estimated Difficulty Change - 0% - Retarget Height - 0 - Blocks to Retarget - 0 - Minimum Fee - 1 sats/vb - Fastest Fee - 1 sats/vb -

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You've found me, Nice. I'm working on expanding the Privacy and fungibility of bitcoin. As well as exploring the securtiy vulernabilities through program logic and chaos. Currently working with th payjoin team to implement and finalize the v2 protocol adding async payjoins allowing users to work together in a less collaborative way. Bitcoin is only going to be as powerful and useful as its weakest attribute to strengthening the parts of bitcoin perceived as lacking is how I do my part for advancing bitcoin. I spend most of my time expanding the QA environment for payjoin ensuring that it is a stable and secure protocol that users can entrust to use reliably and safely to help break their common input heuristics. I also work on many other open-source projects as well so feel free to reach out with any ideas or projects!

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